Friday, August 19, 2011

Tourists in Sydney

Mike and Charlie spent the day on Thursday at Coogee Beach. Like last week's adventure to the beach, he donated a few prime patches of skin to the local sidewalks. This week the elbow and nose stepped up to donate, after the forehead and knee contributed last week.

Charlie and I waved goodbye to the kiddos at South Coogee Public and boarded the bus for Sydney. We arrived earlier than we planned at our museum destination, so we took the opportunity to ride the Sydney monorail that zoomed over our heads on a few earlier trips and brought back fond memories of Disney World. We did a round trip ride through the city for $4.90/adult and free for kids under 5. It was fine. No stops at the Magic Kingdom. The funny thing was, our monorail car was full when we got on and after riding full circle, it was still full, with the exact same people. Maybe if we had done more than a round trip, the thrills would have revealed themselves...

Next stop, The Powerhouse Museum, "Sydney's museum of science, technology,design, decorative arts and social history". That's a big mix! We're sorry to report, for all you fans out there, that the Wiggles Exhibit doesn't open until September 24th. We spent most of our time in the Experimentation Exhibit with the Plasma ball, whose energy is attracted to hands, and the Story of Chocolate Exhibit, which dumps out handfuls of chocolate chips after you impatiently listen to a story of how chocolate is made, "Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah..." After that discovery, I spent most of the remaining time trying to convince him that there was anything else of interest to see or do there.

He wasn't as impressed as me with the replica of the robot from "Lost In Space", which, coincidentally, we borrowed from the library earlier this week (after paying our first overdue fine - feels like home now Cindy!).

For lunch, we met Erika, our Wisconsin friend, had yummy warm noodles in Chinatown on a grey rainy day, and she introduced us to Paddy's Market (follow link for catchy jingle...). It's got aisles and aisles of merchandise for sale, from Australian souvenirs to underwear. On the other side of the hall, are fresh fruit and veggie vendors and lots of them. We picked up some longans and passion fruit, which are apparently in season, to try and some dried cherries to toss in the salad we're making to take to dinner tonight for a taste of Michigan. These are the best deals on fruit and veggies we've seen, too bad it's a long bus ride away.

We spent the evening at a wonderful feast with our downstairs neighbors, Debbie, Tali (6 and 10 months like Molly) and Eitan (4 like Charlie). We have yet to meet Andrew, the husband, he's been traveling since we arrived for his company Freedom E-Bikes, which seems like something more Sydneysiders could use... We left in disgrace after Charlie very publicly raided the dessert plate for a second brownie. :-)

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