Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to the Beach We Go!

It's the weekend and, of course, the Michiganders visiting Sydney in winter head for the beach...again.
Here's the twist..
The top 3 signs it REALLY was warm in Sydney (Letterman's writers were too busy to help me come up with 7 more).

Number 3. The sign says so. 23 degrees Celsius, although you'll notice the water is only 18. For you math geeks: Celsius temp*9/5+32=Fahrenheit.
Number 2. Other beach goers (and there were others) had Australian accents.
And the Number 1 reason. I even wore my swimsuit. For a large share of the walk to the beach the kids chanted "Mom's going swimming." Which, I did not, of course.

Here's Daniel returning some of the Pacific that he swallowed while bravely taking on the waves.
And Mike showin' him how it's done.

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