It's the weekend and, of course, the Michiganders visiting Sydney in winter head for the beach...again.
Here's the twist..
The top 3 signs it REALLY was warm in Sydney (Letterman's writers were too busy to help me come up with 7 more).
Number 3. The sign says so. 23 degrees Celsius, although you'll notice the water is only 18. For you math geeks: Celsius temp*9/5+32=Fahrenheit.
Number 2. Other beach goers (and there were others) had Australian accents.
And the Number 1 reason. I even wore my swimsuit. For a large share of the walk to the beach the kids chanted "Mom's going swimming." Which, I did not, of course.
Here's Daniel returning some of the Pacific that he swallowed while bravely taking on the waves.
And Mike showin' him how it's done.
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