Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Australian Museum

We drove to downtown Sydney today, despite the kids requesting the bus (they've made collecting used tickets a hobby and wanted more - funny what lack of toys will drive them to) and followed the signs in the car park for "Casual Parking". We took an underground tunnel with an under-construction moving walkway from the parking lot to where we were headed.
We were NOT headed to Woolloomooloo, but we like how many "o"s are in one word. We're divided over whether that is more fun that Mississippi to spell.

We've arrived at the Australian Museum and went through the following exhibits:
"Surviving Australia"

"Birds of Paradise"


"Skeletons" and

"Discovery Center" exhibits.

We learnt (seriously), among other things, about sea worms that are 2 meters long (it might not just be sand moving under your feet); giant wombats that used to roam the earth; 20/25 of the most venomous snakes in the world who call Australia home; how you will feel and what steps to take if you're bitten by a shark, red back spider or one of the snakes previously mentioned; and how to shake your tail feathers.

Tonight we had another delicious dinner at Hodaka and Yokimi's house. Hodaka was a graduate student at Cornell, when Mike first started teaching there. The chair of the economics department was there too and entertained 3 Conlin kids with card tricks. We lasted until about 9:30, when Charlie lead us out in dramatic fashion, 2 hours after his bedtime.

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