Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Banksia House

Molly and Daniel got "sorted" (no hat involved, I'm sorry to report) into their houses at school. They're both in Banksia house. All the houses are named after trees and we've got a Banksia in our front yard. Here's some pictures of what the Banksia look like.

Wiki reports that "They are an important food source for all sorts of nectariferous animals, including birds, bats, rats, possums, stingless bees and a host of invertebrates." Of course the "cones" are used to throw at one another on the playground too.

Students can earn points for their house by doing good deeds. Molly got five points for cleaning up trash. At the assemblies every fortnight, they give an update for how many points each house has. At the end of the term in late September, a winner will be announced.

Go Griffindor!

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