Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A morning in Kingscote

Kingscote is the largest town on the island, population 1700, so they say. I wonder if they count the summer tourists? The house we rented is in a neighborhood, on Emma Drive, that seems to have one permanent resident and streets full of rental houses.

The Kingscote Foodland was closed on Friday night at 8PM when we arrived and didn’t open until the next morning at 8AM. Rather than face three hungry children on Saturday morning, I went out for a run along the shoreline path. So excited to see the seals in the straight and get home quickly to bring the kids back, I missed the rock under my feet and did a fancy face plant with a skinned knee and fat lip to show for it. After getting the blood wiped off, the seals were still waiting for us! We found the community pool and are happy to note that releasing animals, especially sharks, is against the rule. Do three Conlin kids count – they aren’t related to sharks? Check out the sign!

We visited a slightly overrated honey factory/store and enjoyed our small but tasty tour of a sheep dairy. Sheep manchego…?

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