Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Zippity Doo Da

On Saturday morning, we headed for the Otway Fly Tree Tops and our 10AM zip lining appointment. Molly was desperate to know if she could go by herself - so desperate, she wandered off and asked someone without asking Mike or me to do it for her. The answer was, unfortunately, no, which means we'll be doing this again in a few years! Molly rode tandem with me and the Mike/Charlie team was right behind us. Brave Daniel was the first in line and went solo the whole way.

7 zip lines, 8 cloud towers - ranging from 5 to 15 meters high, and two rope bridges, with the longest zip of 120 meters. It was a beautiful setting and the kids were very, very happy. They're busy drawing up plans for the zip lines at PopPop and Grandma's farm. Mike and I ziplined in Costa Rica 2 years ago and have to admit, this one was so safe, it was it a bit less thrilling!

It's taken me a while to write this edition, because I'm still not over the fact that the webpage and the check in people made it very clear that you couldn't take cameras. Of course, I assumed that meant that the guides would take them and then you'd have to pay for them at the end, which was exactly what did happen with the following twist...the guides didn't really want to be taking pictures and in the middle of the zipping through the rain forest (long after I've locked the camera in a locker) they said, "You could bring your own camera, we're not the fun police." Yep, that's what they said - I can hear it plain as day and feel the regret seeping through me again :-). Maybe a break from the camera was good for me. Maybe not. Anyway, we do have two prints from our trip that our guide Ticker took for us - we got two for the price of one because they're both blurry. They promised that we could download them after 48 hours, but so far, I've had no luck at all and am awaiting a reply from the administrators. I think I have a problem.

The day was young, so we headed for the nearby Triplet Falls in the Beech Forest. We've been very impressed at how willing to hike the Conlin troops are - less impressed at their ability to savor beautiful sights - I'm usually 20 meters behind because I stopped to take a picture and you can almost see in these pictures the lean in their bodies - "let's go, let's go, let's go". Ahh, the tradeoffs in life.

After Triplet, there was still daylight, so we hopped in the car and made our way to Hopetoun Falls. Like the other walks, we're completely alone on the hike. In this case, we climbed over the fence at the end of the lookout and get a closer look. Daniel is the leader and the other three are right behind these rule-breaking behaviours. Of course, someone has to take pictures...

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