Sunday, September 11, 2011

Walking in the Rain (and NO Snow)

Friday was cool (50s) and rainy all day long. Charlie and I were home together. After a game of chess, which he quit after I captured his queen and he tried to undo by cheating (he already had my queen, I didn't think he'd mind); a game of cards that ended in similar fashion; and finally a game of Trouble that he won after an incredible comeback they'll be talking about for ages, we ran out of games. It's still raining, but I'm completely stir crazy, so we head off for a walk to downtown Coogee.

The ocean scene toward Coogee was still beautiful, even dressed in gray.

Charlie is sporting his new South Coogee Public School hat.

We've really spent very little time in the town of Coogee - for whatever reason. We walked up and down the main street, stopping in to look at things that interested us in the windows and settled on 2 hot chocolates in the outdoor cafe. The very kind waitress pushed the heater close to us and the pink and white marshmallows worked their magic.

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