We learned from one of the guides at Ku-Ring-Gai Chase that just north of Ku-ring-Gai is this nature reserve that is only open for 4 weekends a year and this was it! We felt like we were in on something, so after we watched the crabs skedaddle one more time, we drove north a few miles and set off on the recommended walk to Lloyd's Trig - the name given to the rock at the end because of it's geometrical shape. Muongamarra is known for its spring wildflowers, so me and every other amateur had our cameras on the lookout. I don't know what any of them are, but they were pretty! These red ones were bigger than a fist.

A scribbly gum tree - so named because larvae of the scribbly gum tree dig tracks in the trunk that are revealed when the bark falls off. Nature's grafitti.

There were nice views of the Hawkesbury River and Blue Mountains (an upcoming weekend trip).

The trig itself was worth the walk, I think. Here's a some pics of the gang on the side of the rock.

The very kind guides on the spot were very kid-friendly, showing us the peep hole in the huge stone and even giving a hand to those that could fit through.

For those of you who know the story of Charlie's birth...

Another Pooh bear shot...stuck in the hole, again!
I have been thinking about Charlie's birth a lot lately; especially after my doc mentioned that in second pregnancies the hammock is closer to the grass.
You can worry about that for baby #3 in a couple of years :-)
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