Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Tree Hunting We Will Go - No Matter How COLD and CRANKY we are!

Charlie cried most of the time because his hands were cold and I couldn't get his "finga" in the thumb hole of the mitten, so he refused to wear them at all. The tree selection was weak. That is, we picked the only Fraser Fir that was big enough. Hey, it's a tradition. We have the picture. See you next year.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Giving Thanks in Chicago
Charlie Floyd eating fresh whip cream with a dab of pie. Great Grandpa Floyd would be proud.
Conlin Cousins. Daniel posed with his mouth gaping in every photo and this was the only one where Charlie wasn't crying, so we went with it!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Big Zoo Lesson
It helps to have the child of a newspaper employee in your 3rd grade class!
Check out:
The Big Zoo Lesson at the Lansing State Journal.
There is a photo gallery and video to the right, or you can try clicking on my links and see if they work...
Daniel is in photo #5 in the Gallery sporting a hat Grandma Linda made (that's the photo in the print version of today's paper too!) and he's got a few shots in the video, including a duet with Kepler!
Sparty On.
What a weekend! Uncle Bruce and Aunt Sue drove all the way from Slippery Rock in their Rocket Green - no one knew the difference - for the UW/MSU game. Mom said she caught her self cheering for the Badgers a few times, accidentally. What's a former badger to do? Molly couldn't handle the stress, she's asleep in the stroller.
Our Very Own Universe
Space Costumes 2008
Houston, we have liftoff. It only took a bribe of one Peanut Butter Cup to get him to wear the moon for the picture . That's free in Daniel's book, given his strong dislike of peanut butter!
Grandma and PopPop were visiting and were official Candy Distributors. Charlie made sure we had enough candy. We gave out almost 120 on a warm night where PopPop didn't even make them walk to the top of the Michigan hill we live on.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Ten Times Molly
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
It's official: Molly is 4!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Go Green! Go White!
Homecoming Parade
Friday night at the homecoming 2008 parade in downtown East Lansing. Turns out it is everyone's homecoming - so the EAst Lansing Trojans (and their Sparty look alike mascot) started the whole affair. We sat near the judges to maximize candy quantity, so we got a rundown of who everyone was. My favorite was Bob in a Raccoon Coat, who has been coming back to Homecoming every year for 35 years. Bob wasn't walkin' real straight when we saw him. Go figure. The above picture is the MSU Turf Club. We took this pic for PopPop. They're golfing on the trailer.
The Apples Don't Fall Far From the Tree
Thursday, October 2, 2008
ESPN Sportz Center
We started the weekend with a fantabulous win by the East Lansing Bulldozers. Daniel had a genuine real-life assist. He dribbled down the sideline, passed to Connor, who scored! Indeed, we have never seen him so fired up about sports before. Well, Mike never cared that much about sports either, so maybe that explains it.
MSU Marching Band
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Hocking Hills - Where Michigan meet Pennsylvania
A classic corn maze photo from the Space Themed Sharp Farms Corn Maze
We were the first customers of the season so we got a discount. Ted and Clara, we missed you, but you can see the corn was too high to cheat well.
Supposedly named for an Old Man who lived here. Creative, huh? I'm pretty sure they're looking for a paying sponsor. Lucas Oil perhaps? Molly searched unsuccessfully for his bedroom, but she and Daniel successfully kept this part from falling down.
Arts and Crafts=Paint everywhere
Here Kitty Kitty Kitty
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Look out 3rd Grade!!
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